Contact Us

We welcome your input and feedback.  Participate in general meetings like our annual AGM and exercise your right to vote.  Come out to a Membership Engagement event to discuss ideas in more detail.

Hornby Island Co-op
5875 Central Road, BC
Ph: 250-335-1121

Co-op Memberships are available at the Customer Service Desk.

To ensure that your correspondence is addressed, your email will be forwarded to the Board Chair & Secretary and if the nature of the correspondence is operational in nature (day to day running of the store), it will be forwarded to the Co-op Manager to respond to.

Historically, all correspondence received from the public will be discussed prior to the next board meeting where a decision is made to include it in either the regular or in-camera (closed) Board agenda package. *Please note, if your correspondence includes human resources or sensitive information, it will be added to the in-camera agenda package.

Once received at a Board meeting, the Board determines if the correspondence should be: Referred to Management for further response; Board Chair response; received and filed as information; or referred to a board committee for further discussion. The Board will strive to respond in a timely manner once it is determined how it will proceed.

If your correspondence is pertaining to an upcoming event, please keep these procedures in mind and allow sufficient time for response.

Please find the full text of Board Communication Policies here:
